002 → Light and Shadow Action Painting
Artist draw inspiration from her rich life experiences, acute observations, introspective thoughts, and the dynamic action painting techniques of American artist Paul Pollock. Then channel these perspectives into her creative endeavors, which harness the dance-like, lyrical, and transformative interplay of light and shadow. By melding hand painting, graffiti, Photoshop etc, she aspire to forge an unprecedented art form in the annals of art history—“Light and Shadow Action Painting”. This style seeks serendipity and spontaneity within the abstract dance of light and shadow, using mutable and abstract color effects to underscore a distinct allure or essence.
For example, consider the artwork “Royal Wedding,” in which the dance-like of light and shadow accentuated the portrait’s charm, thus epitomizing abstraction. Such randomness and contingency are deliberate artistic creation and choices that reflect the uncertainty and serendipity that pervade modern life—rife with unnamed fears and potential opportunities.
Life is an ongoing, ever-evolving journey; thus, one may stumble upon extraordinary breakthroughs and rewards through persistent effort, mastery, and the discovery of joy amid challenges.
“3×3 International Illustration Show No.20”
Professional show :Merit Award.
《On the Tide of Peace》 2015 digital painting
This work has been selected for the “Artists for Peace/All We Are Saying”exhibition,Sunderland,England,2015.
This work has been selected for the “Artists for Peace/All We Are Saying”exhibition,Sunderland,England,2015.